Artsfest showcases student work

Madelyn Shapiro, Magazine Editor

Wilson hosted its fifth annual Artsfest in the atrium from 3:30-6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 17. The festival featured student work for sale in addition to student performances, a selfie mural, and art displays. Art teacher Mary Lambert described it as a “chance to celebrate all of the hard work that our students do.”

Starting on Monday, May 14, there were events during STEP in the atrium that all students could participate in. On Monday there was button making, Tuesday featured a K-Pop dance performance, Wednesday had students throwing paint balloons at a blue mannequin with Art teacher Avram Walters, and the events concluded Thursday with the painting of two selfie murals and henna tattoos.

Throughout the past couple of years, several students have been very successful at selling their work. “Last year I remember some of the students who made t-shirts sold out,” Lambert recalled. Success in selling student work depends on turn out, however, Lambert said that the art department was “hopeful this year.”

Students sold t-shirts, food, drawings, photos, caricatures, flash tattoos, pottery, and more. Freshman Maddie Vassalo sold comic book inspired drawings and said that “Sales [were] been pretty good, I’ve sold quite a lot actually. The Marilyn Monroe or the Heathers have been the best sellers.”