New “Clean and Green Campaign” aims to reduce litter around Wilson

Sophie Ludgin, Junior Editor

Wilson’s newly-created ‘Clean and Green Campaign’ is aiming to reduce litter and raise student pride in Wilson’s school environment. The campaign was formed after a survey found that Wilson students did not take ownership of the school’s appearance.

The School Climate Committee was founded by world languages teacher Simona Spicciani-Gerhardt in the 2016-17 school year and is run by both students and faculty. The committee meets every other Monday at 8 a.m. with a goal to fix both physical issues in the school and internal problems like faculty relations.

The Clean and Green Campaign was founded at the end of last school year after revelations on the SCAI (Student Climate Assessment Instrument) survey conducted by Wilson, which showed that students don’t take responsibility for the litter they leave in the cafeteria, or the school’s condition overall.

The campaign was originally started by the school’s climate committee but is now collaborating with the Student Government Association.

“[The Clean and Green Campaign] main focus was to develop a school-wide teacher and student led campaign to make students aware, if they’re not already aware, of the litter problem, and to come up with a plan to reduce the litter in the school, and particularly in the cafeteria and the atrium,” said social studies teacher Patrick Cassidy, a member on the Climate Committee.

The Clean and Green Campaign is planning on instituting programs such as the Adopt-A-Table plan, which would create teams of students and faculty who would be responsible for ensuring people clean their tables after they eat. Top teams would receive incentives such as gift cards or a team lunch.

The campaign is considering appointing student ambassadors to bolster support for clean-up efforts among the student body, and putting out more trash cans, though none of these ideas have been approved for execution.

Students believe Wilson’s environment isn’t in terrible condition, but could use improvement. “I’ve seen mice before,” said freshman Louisa-Sophia Filmer. “I don’t think it’s that bad. It could be worse, but it could be better.”