What is the best month?

Drawing by Marney Harris

Robin Hanley and Ava Koerner

The joys of July

Ava Koerner

July is the best month, for one distinct and simple reason. July is the one month of the year that we are not obligated to do school work. This gives the month a level of versatility not available during any other time of year. Want to go to the beach? Okay, you have 31 days to do it. Want to lay in your bed and watch Netflix for 6 hours? Sure, I hope your AC is on. Want to do your summer assignments? Why not, nerd. The point being, July is really what you make it. Whether you’re productive, lazy, or somewhere in the middle, you will almost never suffer consequences for what you do in July. To me, this freedom of choice is the distinguishing characteristic of the month.

You could say “DC is too hot in July, you can’t even breathe!” To solve this dilemma  I took to the internet. If you type into google “free things to do in DC during July” you will quickly discover a myriad of free, accessible activities that allow you to cool down. You could go to any of the free, air-conditioned Smithsonian museums. (I personally suggest Natural History or Air and Space!) If you’re looking for an outdoor option, you could venture to any of DPR’s 32 pools, as they are free to all DC residents.

Personally, I choose to escape the city for the majority of the summer, as July is a time of beautiful landscapes all over the east coast. Just 30 minutes outside of D.C., Great Falls, Virginia is shaded, breezy, and sure to please your adventurous side. Farther north, New England is a paradise of green trees, rocky coastlines, and moderate temperatures.  I encourage all of you to take July as an opportunity to do whatever you want, be it exploring our city or the world, or staying home for all 31 glorious days of the best month of the year.

Just in case you need more evidence, here’s a list of my 5 favorite facts about July

  1. J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter were both born on July 31.
  2. July is one of two months that start on the same day of the week every year! (The other is April)
  3. The first Walmart opened on July 2, 1962.
  4. On July 4, 2016, the Juno probe arrived at Jupiter!
  5. Sliced bread was sold for the first time on July 7, 1928 🙂



It’s oct-over for all other months

Robin Hanley

There’s no question about it, October is the best month. The perfect combination of warm and cool temperatures, no pollen driven allergies, and the beginning of the basketball and hockey (not to mention the World Series) seasons are just some of the reasons why October is so great. The beauty of the trees changing color creates an inviting and cozy atmosphere. It’s an amazing sight to wake up with a blanket of leaves on the sidewalk, giving the illusion of walking on fire. To top it all off, Halloween offers the ideal excuse to dress up and eat as much candy as one can possibly hold. October is incomparable, there’s no doubt about it.