Trump’s so-called “Peace Plan” is a disaster

Photo Courtesy of Haaretz

Aaron Gorman, Junior Editor

The city of Jerusalem and the surrounding West Bank have long been the center of a religious land dispute the Jewish nation of Israel, and the would-be Islamic state of Palestine. On January 28th, President Trump released his own plan on settling the decades-long dispute, a plan that, in reality, would incite violence and spread hate. Yet again, Trump is doing nothing other than pandering to his only real base, white supremacists and neo-nazis. 

This proposal’s main flaw comes from the fact that Trump tried to create a compromise without ever speaking to one of the groups involved. Trump has literally never spoken to Palestinian leaders about this so-called deal, which, unsurprisingly, has led to it being exceptionally biased. Although it technically grants Palestine portions of heavily Muslim-populated East Jerusalem, it pushes the borders of the nation past the outside limits of the city. Additionally, the proposal divides portions of the Palestinian West Bank, making parts of Palestine physically separated from the rest. Anyone with any knowledge of Middle Eastern policy should understand why these factors would not result in peace between Israel and Palestine, and would instead further anger the Palestinian people, which could potentially result in more violence. 

This plan, while being blatantly Islamophobic in its denial of granting Palestinians any form of a peaceful, fair, functioning nation, would also do a great deal of damage to the Jewish people, the group Trump claims are benefitting. In creating a plan that is so clearly anti-Muslim, Trump is creating a greater divide between Muslims and Jews, a divide that has been used for decades to harm both groups. Hate crimes against both Jews and Muslims would rise drastically, religious extremist groups of all sorts would be emboldened, and the only benefactors would be white Christians. This “peace” plan was written with the sole intention of allowing Trump’s biggest supporters, white supremacists, to continue their attacks against Jews and Muslims and point to foreign policy as their reasoning. 

Simply put, Trump’s Middle East policy is nothing more than a thinly-veiled attempt to wreak havoc on an already damaged region and harm two religious minorities, all for political gain. In the release of a singular plan, Donald Trump has shown us all his true character: a person who cares only about protecting himself, and who fears anyone that is different. It is time to stand up to this xenophobia, say enough is enough, and, come November, elect a President who will unite rather than divide. •