Wilson is diverse, but not united. It should be both.

Keyla Sejas, Magazine Associate Editor

In movies, high school is depicted as a magical dream, filled with opportunities and friends that are like family. Approximately 1,900 students attend this “magnificent” school, but the Wilson community is nowhere near as close as it should be. Our differences seem to draw us apart, instead of bringing us together.

As I enter the building and head towards the atrium, I notice that everyone is divided into small little groups or cliques. This is not only common in the morning but at lunch indoors, outdoors, and throughout the whole school. Classrooms are also affected; kids clump together and the remaining students are left with pure loneliness and a lack of desire to learn. 

One thing we can acknowledge about Wilson is the fact that not everyone can consider each other “family.” Yes, the Wilson population consists of students coming from different parts of DC, but this shouldn’t be the reason for our cliquiness.

 The fear of leaving our comfort zone to talk to new people is extremely common. People tend to stick to the people that they’ve gone to the same school with previously or live in the same neighborhood as. Fear of judgment and lack of confidence can make it difficult to leave our bubble.

Feeling unwanted or as if you don’t fit in shouldn’t be a norm in Wilson’s community. Nor should our differences be the reason why Wilson isn’t as close as we should be. Our diversity should be the reason for unity, allowing the spread of culture within these walls. 

Wilson is our school, and we control its future, the future that defines the students. The lack of unity is what’s separating us from new opportunities and friendships to cherish.             

Our community should be about togetherness, and providing acknowledgment to a classmate allows us to move a step forward. Unity isn’t about cliques, it’s about understanding the people around you and coming together as a whole. I personally was ecstatic about experiencing high school and being able to develop as a person alongside my class, but I’ve yet to truly find my place. 

I love all of the people I’ve surrounded myself with. But what I’ve come to imagine is that the majority of us seem to stay with our bunch. Similar to others, the fear of change and judgment takes control of my body. Understanding our different racial backgrounds and experiences is something that challenges Wilson’s identity. Some of us are just too different to force a friendship, which places a gap in our community. 

Now, I’m not blaming every single student for the lack of unity, but it’s happening under Wilson’s roof. Putting our differences aside isn’t the solution, but taking action is. Encouraging people to participate in new activities or even just inviting someone to hang out could change our community. Being nice could mean a lot to someone, and as we’re heading towards adulthood, it’s time to make a change. 

High school is supposed to help us blossom into the honorable future of our country, but how can that happen if we’re cliquey? Stepping out of our bubble and accepting our diverse community prepares us. In order to succeed in diverse environments in the future, we must appreciate the diversity within and not follow racial divisions due to fear. This is our school and we determine its future, not the other way around. •