Fall training

Calvin Gidney

For the last year athletes have been struck hard by Covid-19. Restrictions have cut all Fall seasons, limited gym capacities, and hindered athletes’ ability to progress and stay in shape.

“I found myself with more time then I was used to,” Junior Mattias Rollet said when asked how the last year has been. 

“I’ve still had practices with other teams that I play on but it’s been a little bizarre not having school practice and not having school soccer on the mind,” Rollet continued, “I think I’ve gotten better but it’s kind of hard to push yourself.”

Covid has been hard for all, in one way or another, but for some athletes the isolation has given them more free time to work on their fitness. Junior Edwin Riley, a wrestler, commented “in terms of staying in shape it was my best year, I think I’ve improved because I can bench and squat more.”

Looking toward the impending fall seasons, athletes are taking it upon themselves to get prepared, Riley’s plan for the break is to “hit the gym and go rock climbing.”

Rollet plans to “workout, hopefully play some pickup games, or just play with friends just as long as I can get some soccer in a few days a week.”

Both also commented about the possibility of not having a season next year Riley saying 

“I can’t wait, hopefully it’s [wrestling] in person.”

Rollet added that he’d be excited to have a fall season, but “wouldn’t be super upset” if the school season got canned again. A subtle reminder about how uncertain the last year has been. •