Fashion in the Halls

Camelia Terraza

In the weeks leading up to the start of school, I frequently had nightmares of our school turning to masses of beige and gray. And not in a cute Kardashian-y way. What would become of the top halves we’ve become so accustomed to online? To my delight, however, our many months of fashion withdrawal seem to have sparked a kind of rebirth— or refashioning, if you will— of Wilson style. Here’s the best of what I saw this month! 



The Reverse Cinderella Effect, an interesting phenomenon I’ve observed in the jungle of the Wilson halls, describes the recent uptick in chunky and clunky shoes. Big boots—  knee-length, lace-up, thick-soled— seem to be at every turn. Is it fighting the patriarchy? Is the Camila Cabello remake inspiring rebellion? Is it a surefire way to be late to your fourth floor first period? Who knows. 

Hats, although not exactly  in, SHOULD BE. Go the extra mile in French III and show up in a beret. Maybe you’ll learn to love it.

Revolution Chic, inspired by senior Henry Cohen’s Ushanka, the pins on Ms. Bollinger’s lanyard, and the surprise appearance of Guerrillero Che Guevara on several t-shirts,  is uniting Wilson Tigers. It’s long been known that styles come and go with political and social movements. In your anarchist phase? Combat boots and Chomsky merch will alert fellow comrades of your recent enlightenment.

Maxi skirts, specifically,  denim maxi skirts, have been so fashion-forward that Vogue published an article titled, “Are You Ready for the Return of Long Denim Skirts?” featuring Bella Hadid. Perfect for the transition into fall, pair your maxi-skirts with cozy oversized sweaters or contrasting tight tees.

Eye makeup has returned in full force, making the most of our limited facial exposure. Eye shadow, glitter, and liners of every color are a fabulous way to add something unique to your fit. To those who labor over liquid eyeliner every morning— you rock.

Dyed hair is a timeless fashion statement, and  also a perfect solution to your teacher confusing you with the other brown-haired kid that sits next to you. Whether done at a hair salon or in your bathroom with a box from CVS, these dyes are turning heads.

Masks deserve a special shoutout, especially Mr. Geremia’s mask featuring cat heads, fishbones, and clouds, and Ms. Bradshaw’s various rhinestone masks. Masks as beautiful as these almost make you glad to be wearing one. You can reach Camelia for cute mask links at’ •