Less is more when it comes to extracurriculars
January 5, 2022
Figuring out what to focus on can be hard: do you participate in multiple school clubs and teams, or do you concentrate on only a few activities you’re passionate about? As we make our way into the second quarter, students continue to join various clubs and groups. Although it is important to try new things, choosing the few extracurriculars you truly love and want to pursue will be more beneficial.
While good grades speak volumes, the activities you chose during your high school years give colleges a sense of who you are as a person. Many teens often make the mistake of joining a myriad of activities in hopes to strengthen their chances of admission into college. Yet in reality, colleges often recognize how impossible it is to be passionately involved in every extracurricular activity high school has to offer. Prioritizing activities that actually interest you allows more effort to be put into what you are focusing on. With fewer distractions caused by other responsibilities, students are better able to engage and show commitment to clubs.
Dedication is a critical aspect of the admissions process. Colleges don’t look for students who are unreliable and inconsistent. Spreading yourself too thin with work that isn’t meaningful and won’t last defeats the purpose of joining extracurriculars. Instead, apply yourself to a few organizations you truly care about. This way, colleges are able to see how these activities reflect your character, while also not overworking yourself in the process. You only have five days in a school week and there isn’t always time to do everything you think you need to do. Hence the importance of keeping your days balanced.
Having ambition and branching out is great, but there is a limit. Drowning yourself in extracurriculars not only exhausts a student but makes your application look insincere. If you have an overwhelming amount of activities in your pocket, consider prioritizing! Rank your extracurriculars to see what most intrigues you. Is debate a passion you can see yourself committing to in the future, or is it just another club you may end up quitting? Questions like this make condensing activities painless.
You should experience the opportunities high school has to offer, but listen to yourself as well. Don’t overwhelm yourself with unnecessary work, especially if it is hurting future applications more than helping. High school is a place to discover new things and dive deep into them. Yet, when all is said and done, what will matter is what you gave to the things you care about most. •