Meet the newest addition to the JRHS Staff: Ms. Horowitz
October 16, 2022
With so many staff members at Jackson-Reed, it’s important to get to know as many of them as possible. Elana Horowitz is one of the newest additions to the staff at Jackson-Reed, and from teaching math to promoting the Baltimore Ravens, she has a lot to offer.
Aside from teaching, Horowitz is a part of the Baltimore Ravens Playmakers promotional team. “On game days we’re in the stadiums talking to fans and setting up live shots, and outside of game days we go to restaurants to raffle off tickets and build the community,” Horowitz explains.
Tracking back to high school days of her own, Horowitz struggled with the transition from middle to high school. She lived in a suburb of Chicago, where she switched from a modest private school to a large public school. “Everyone already knew each other. It was just a really hard transition,” Horowitz explained.
However, she’s chosen to use her experiences to help other students: “one of the reasons I want to teach in public high school is because I know that transition so well. I want to make sure that any student that has trouble finding their place, they have someone to go to.”
Now, Horowitz is having to make that same transition, but this time as a teacher.
Horowitz has been teaching for eight years at several high schools, including BASIS DC Charter School where she was last year. She made the switch to Jackson-Reed because of her appreciation for the big public high school culture. “My favorite thing about teaching is getting to know and bonding with students and watching you guys grow and learn and improve, it’s truly inspiring.”•