Student body president looks ahead

Ava Serafino, Opinions Editor

Ever since freshman year, senior Amirah Taliaferro-Brunn has known she wanted to be a leader to her fellow classmates. She knew she had good ideas and wanted to be able to implement them.
Her involvement with the Student Government Association during her junior year reassured her that her goal had to become a reality. It was time for her to run for Student Body President.
After winning the election, Taliaferro-Brunn made her goals for her senior year known. She hopes to “make Jackson-Reed better, in a sense where every day you want to come to school.” Taliaferro-Brunn explained that school should be fun. “You want to come here because you know there’s gonna be some sort of event happening.”
Amirah is responsible for implementing this year’s “point system” where grades get points and at the end of the year, whichever grade obtained the most points receives a prize of their choosing. Additionally, it was her idea to do last year’s relay races and candy grams during Valentine’s Day.
This goal resonates with Taliaferro-Brunn’s electric personality, as described by Bryce Freeman, Junior class president, “Amirah embodies fun… she’s focused on her freshman year and how it was fun and she just wants to do that for everyone else.”
Even though Taliaferro-Brunn maintains a great attitude, there have been hardships since the beginning of the current school year. While she wants school to be fun, that can’t happen without the student body and SGA taking things seriously. She stresses how SGA and the overall student body can’t be productive if people don’t listen.
“People think since I’m also a student it’s all fun and games but we can’t be on joke time all the time, SGA events are serious,” Taliaferro-Brunn added.
Outside of school, Taliaferro-Brunn remains very busy. She’s busy writing essays for college, balancing her schoolwork, and she even started an internship this past week. Her school workload takes a lot of time out of her life, but Taliaferro-Brunn remains focused on her academic success.
Taliaferro-Brunn doesn’t plan on stopping after high school and has big plans for her future in leadership. Taliaferro-Brunn wants to run for student body president in college. From there, the end goal for her is to reach the White House and become the president of the United States. •