New name, new court

Kassiani Anifantis, Junior Editor

After the recent name change, Jackson-Reed’s administration renovated the basketball court to feature the new name. Nicknamed the “Tiger Den”, the court also saw other condition improvements.

The “Tiger Den” holds various events: pep rallies, basketball games, and AP testing. Redoing the court was prompted by the name change, but it was also in desperate need of repair. Athletic Director Nadira Ricks explained that the court has only ever been polished and buffed, but never replaced or restored. 

“We had a leak issue, so they fixed part of it because there was a hump in it, but nothing [else] was done to redo it.”

The new floor took about a month to complete. Though its life expectancy is unknown, Ricks predicts that it could last 10-20 years depending on student and staff maintenance efforts. “We get a lot of wear and tear on it,” she said. Respect for the facilities at Jackson-Reed is something many more students need to be aware of to keep the building strong and in good condition. “I’ve already been in there and [there are] scuffs on it,” Ricks added. 

The court renovation allowed for a revamp of the design of the floor and the layout of logos. Ricks, along with former Athletic Director Mitch Gore, Director of Strategy Logistics Brandon Hall, former Interim Principal Gregory Bargeman, and Instructional Coach David Thompson, all contributed to the design process. Ricks likes the new floor because it includes not only the DCIAA logo, but also the state logo.

The Tiger Den renovation is just one step towards comprehensive school facility restoration. Ricks hopes that as the new athletic director she can compartmentalize and prioritize the different facilities that need work. 

“I am looking to improve not just how our coaches develop our teams, [but] how we can better use our facilit[ies] and what is outdated,” she said. “It may be a two-year plan, five-year plan, it may even be a 10-year plan. But I’m going to do everything that I can to ensure that I am advocating for my athletes, for our school community, and for our building.” •