Get excited for “Into the Woods”

Adler Amolsch, Director of New Staff

An exciting blend of classic fairytales with a grim twist, “Into the Woods” is set to take the stage this May. Director Dan Iwaniec and Musical Director Anthony Pierce will be producing the first-ever musical in the Black Box, as the auditorium is not currently in use. 

“Into the Woods” follows a baker and his wife, portrayed by seniors Sam Dell-Bosak and Talia Moraru, who are denied a child due to a curse placed on the family by a witch, played by Alex Cullins. The production documents their journey to break the curse, encountering characters from traditional fairy tales, such as Cinderella, Rapunzel, Jack from “Jack and the Beanstalk,” and Little Red Riding Hood, along the way. 

In preparation for the show, workshops were held to provide actors with tips, tricks, and feedback prior to auditioning. “[Directors] give you all the resources necessary, to make you as successful as you can be,” sophomore Will Carlyle-Dadson said, who will be featured in the ensemble of the upcoming production. 

After the show was cast, rehearsal began immediately. To stay on track for opening night, the ensemble has begun learning the “Into the Woods” soundtrack, quickly followed by blocking, which is staging actors’ movements, including choreography for dance scenes. Rehearsal for lead roles is constant, occurring daily from 3 to 6 pm, up until opening night on May 18.

Senior Talia Moraru said that “people are really dedicated to bringing the show together… Everyone is really happy to be there and add their own quirks to the show despite there not being a lot of whole cast numbers.”

With the auditorium out of function, rehearsals have exclusively occurred in the Black Box where the show will also be held. “Getting as many people as we want to see the show in here is going to be a big challenge,” Director Dan Iwaniec said. He noted that “it’s also technically challenging. We can’t have spotlights, and sound is an issue with the live instruments.”

Frances Leibovich, head paint manager for the “Into the Woods” stage crew, further highlights the difficulties. “Creating a new set that is in a different space, with a different shape is difficult, and the transfer of materials from the auditorium to the Black Box is time-consuming.”

Yet, the shift in location has also allowed the directors to test the creative boundaries of the Black Box. “The show is going to be so immersive and it really feels like you’re going to be a part of the production based on the seating layout. It’s pretty ambitious,” said Carlyle-Dadson.

The set for the show has the audience and stage sharing one space. While there still is traditional seating on the sides of the room, seating is also gathered in the inner opening of the stage, so the action will be literally happening at the aisles of your seats. 

“When you enter the Black Box it’s a storybook and you are a character. It’s super interactive, and the set is everywhere.” Leibovich added. 

Iwaniec echoed this sentiment and expanded on the uniqueness of this production in comparison to past musicals. “Being able to be this close to the actors… really allows the audience to connect with the performers, as there are no barriers from speakers or mics.”

This rendition of “Into the Woods” is sure to produce fresh and dynamic sets, unique to anything Jackson-Reed has seen before. The musical will be performed eight times starting May 18, which will be sold in advance of the shows online!