With summer creeping closer and closer, all we can think about is not having to enter the over-air conditioned and under-deodorized halls of Jackson-Reed. So here are a couple tasks to keep in mind as your summer begins!
Sleep – Turn off that alarm, don’t make plans until after eleven, and take a break from that 5:30 am practice schedule(I’m looking at you, crew kids). Getting eight hours may not seem that exciting, but if you really commit to the sleeping grind as hard as the gym bros have committed to getting their macros this year, then by the time fall rolls around and you pull your first all-nighter, you won’t feel quite so ready to rip your hair out.
Be Rid of School-Related Things – Whether it’s starting your admissions essays, taking a math class over the break, or doing your summer reading, (which I guess you should still do), it can be tempting to use the summer as a time to catch up on work leftover from the year. However, it’s always important to take some time off and have fun! So pack up your books, your college brochures, and that school-issued laptop and get rid of them faster than the freshmen running to class during the first week of school.
Say Your Tragic Goodbyes to Your Graduates – Whether they’re seasoned college kids or your own recently-graduated seniors, it’ll be sad to see them go. Come August, it’ll be time to watch them pack everything they have ever owned (really, how can one 18-year-old have acquired such a vast quantity of things?) into as little space as possible and head off to the poorly-lit dorm rooms of higher education. Start getting ready now, so when the time comes you can whip out your tissues, say your heartfelt farewells, and prepare to ignore them when they come home for Thanksgiving.
Basically, if you want to make your break a little more enjoyable and September a little less agonizing, make sure to keep my suggestions in mind. Otherwise you’re free to traumatize yourself by building a fort of SAT prep books and Harvard-brochure-paper-mache all summer. Just don’t blame me when you drop into an endless make-up-sleep-coma and miss your application deadlines all together!