Oppenheimer, a three-hour-long cinematic masterpiece, has been regarded as one of the most exciting and detailed biopics ever made. The latest film from acclaimed director and writer Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer tells the story of how physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer and the scientists of the Manhattan Project built the Atomic Bomb during World War II, which forced the Axis powers to surrender.
The movie begins with Oppenheimer studying physics abroad, before coming back to the U.S. to teach the subject. Eventually, he is asked to head the Manhattan Project.
The process of developing the innovative war weapon was long and tedious but eventually, the scientists performed a successful Atomic Bomb test. The movie goes on to describe the fame and political backlash Oppenheimer faces after the war ends. For a movie with a complex plot and array of characters to follow, Oppenheimer brings a lot to the table.
The film particularly succeeded in casting top-tier actors. Cillian Murphy stars as the protagonist, and expertly conveys the stoicism and underlying fragility of Oppenheimer. The supporting cast is just as impressive. Strong performances came from Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh, Emily Blunt, and more.
The Oppenheimer score was also terrific, as Ludwig Göransson crafts music that is loud, epic, and bold. It would be shocking if no acting or sound nominations were to come from the refined movie during the Oscar Award season.
While the acting and music are fantastic, the screenplay is what truly surprised audiences. With Oppenheimer, Nolan crafts a very compelling screenplay about one of the most interesting and ambiguous characters put to film. The movie depicts J. Robert Oppenheimer as one of the smartest and most outward-thinking physicists in the world, yet is a man still prone to flaws. His character is fascinating, inspiring viewers to watch the movie again to pick up on the finer details of his character.
The screenplay also had really great quick and snappy dialogue that made the intimidating run time go by a lot quicker. The only drawback of the film is in the writing for some of the female characters, who are primarily used to show aspects of Oppenheimer’s personality, with little character progression of their own.
Oppenheimer can be argued as one of the best biographical films in recent history. The film combines excellent acting, a great score, complex characters, and amazing dialogue to make for one of the most exhilarating movie experiences of the year. This three-hour epic managed to fully live up to its hype, making it a must-watch for history buffs and movie fans alike.