For the first time, the cost of caps and gowns will be covered for the senior class due to funds made from a student-run popcorn fundraiser.
Spanning September 25-29, the 111 students who participated in the fundraiser downloaded the app Double Good, which raises funds through the selling of popcorn. Students shared links with friends and family, and on their social media. There was also a free prom-ticket for the first, second, and third-place winners.
At the senior parent meeting, 12th grade Assistant Principal Gregory Bargeman announced that students had sold $43,208 worth of popcorn. Since the school received half of the profit with the other half going to Double Good, the administration was able to cover the cost of caps and gowns for seniors.
“The amount of money that seniors have to pay out has increased over the past 10 years,” Bargeman said. “Fundraisers are a great way of cutting the amount of money that families have to pay.” Current seniors due are total $124. However, pre-fundraiser the students had to pay an extra $40 for their caps and gowns. While this may not seem like much, the difference has made a genuine impact on seniors at JR.
“This fundraiser and any future ones impact the community by alleviating worry over prices,” said senior Sofia Ames-Rodriguez, who raised over $1,200 in the fundraiser. “The price of caps and gowns shouldn’t be such a financial burden. It shouldn’t worry people, so it was nice that we were able to make it free.”
The JR administration is planning another fundraiser for January to raise money for prom tickets. The current price of prom tickets is $100 per person, but after the success of the popcorn fundraiser, that cost could be cut too. According to Bargeman, one of the goals of the next fundraiser is to “involve more seniors.” The administration has not decided what company to use for the next fundraiser.
When asked if she will be participating in another fundraiser, senior Bea Gumbinner is optimistic about her involvement and reaching the school’s goal: “It was such a community-building experience. We all had to work together to raise the funds, and even though I joined last minute, it was still so fulfilling.”