The week before homecoming is full of fun and creative themed days meant to show spirit for the upcoming football game and dance. But did it really live up to the expectations of students? As the term wraps up and we are hastily trying to revise assignments, spirit week will surely lighten our moods. But the ever-present question remains: will it actually be a week full of Tiger pride?
We started off with a Dynamic Duo/Twin Day/Rhyme Without Reason Monday. With the many options that the school brought us on this otherwise monotonous Monday, we were hopeful participants would run rampant around the school. To our surprise (or not so surprise) we did not see a ton of participants. However, for the people that did participate, we loved seeing people excited and going all out. We talked to sophomores Eva Okoobo and Charlie Ketchum. The pair took on Rhyme Without Reason, dressing as NHL and Southern Bell. When asked where they got their inspiration, they said they got it from TikTok, as did many others.
On Tuesday, we went back to the past and had Decades Day. Decades were assigned to each class, the freshmen as the 2010s, sophomores as the 2000s, juniors as 1990s and seniors could choose. This theme brought new styles to the school. We talked to sophomores Emely Mejia and Sid Wilson. Mejia said her inspiration was Pinterest, where she found lots of ideas. Wilson said he thrifted almost everything in his outfit. Overall, people were excited for the excuse to wear their favorite vintage outfits.
Wednesday was Barbie versus Ken, where we saw a huge variety of participants. Whether it was just wearing a pink shirt or going all out, students across the board showed their Barbie spirit. People also participated in a fun and intense Barbie versus Ken game show during lunch. We talked to freshmen Anya Furry and Kira Mitchiner, both of whom were excited to participate in their first high school Spirit Week. Furry dressed up as Ken wearing a pink Hawaiian shirt and Mitchiner, the Barbie to Furry’s Ken, rocked the Barbie iconic pink.
After talking to people all week, Thursday’s theme was by far the one most people were looking forward to. But did it live up to the hype? Yes, yes it did. The theme was Country versus Country Club, where people could either go full rodeo or preppy. All over the school we saw people rocking either cowboy hats and flannels or tennis skirts and polos. We talked to sophomore Alexis Mott, who took on preppy, sporting a baseball hat, sunglasses, a polo and a skirt!
After a high spirited week, we finished with the pep rally and PowderPuff where we got to see students rocking their class colors, face paint, and tattoos.
Overall, Spirit Week was a success. We saw a lot more people participating throughout the week!