The Wilson Aquatic Center reopened in January 2024 after being closed for repairs since August 2023, with major upgrades to its HVAC and cooling systems. The pool’s reopening brought new life to the community. Ward 3 DC Council member Matthew Frumin notes the center is now an “activity hotspot,” for the older community members near the center.
However, the reopening has also brought up discussions about renaming the facility to better align with the Jackson-Reed name. Matt Frumin suggested that if the name were to be changed it would be more aligned to what DPR wants for the pool.
Contrarily, students and staff believe the pool’s name should be related to JR. An anonymous JR student said, “Wilson Aquatic Center should reflect the connection between the school and the community.”
The pool’s historical significance further underscores its deep ties to the school. Ginny Callanen, a longtime community member who served on parent committees during the 2011 high school renovation, said, “the beloved pool served students — swimming lessons were required at that time—and the community from 1978 to 2007. Unfortunately, in the summer of 2007, the pool building’s wall facing Albemarle Street collapsed, likely due to long-standing moisture issues. The pool was condemned and torn down at that time.”
Under Mayor Adrian Fenty’s administration, a collaborative effort between the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and DCPS led to the construction of the current Aquatic Center, which opened in 2009.
After the renovation, the new 2011 Woodrow Wilson campus strategically integrated its athletic facilities, including two gyms and a fitness center, with the adjacent Aquatic Center. Callanen noted her hope in a name change for the pool: “My husband and I enjoy using the Aquatic Center several times a week, so we’re aware of the continued Wilson signage. We trust the willpower and funding will be obtained to change the name to the Jackson-Reed Aquatic Center. Although technically DPR, the Aquatic Center has been part of the community and school for over 46 years.”
While the DPR ultimately holds jurisdiction over the facility, many students, teachers, and staff felt that the name “Wilson” no longer represents the school’s values, and hope to see a name that reflects the unity between the center and Jackson-Reed High School.