The holidays are just around the corner, and while we are all excited I know we are less than stoked about the awkward family interactions that come with holiday celebrations. Yes, we all appreciate our family members but sometimes they think they need to know every little detail about our lives. So today we will be ranking the classic awkward things family members say on the holidays out of 10.
First contestant: your lovely grandmother comes up to you at the get-together and hits you with the“do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?”. What happened to hello? This one gets a 2/10, because why is the only important thing about my life who I’m dating??
Later, your alleged great-aunt who you don’t even recognize comes up to you and says, “ooh my goddess, hello sweetie! Do you remember me? I changed your diapers when you were just a wee little thing!” Don’t get me wrong this one is kind of sweet, but also unsettling. Why do we have to bring up my poopy diapers at every family function? There are many far more interesting things we could be discussing, but dirty diapers are okay, I guess. And no. I don’t remember you. This gets a 5/10 for sheer awkwardness.
At dinner, you’re making your plate and your uncle on his “fitness journey” comments on how many scoops of Mac and Cheese you are taking. “Are you going to eat all of that? It’s unhealthy, you’ll gain weight…”. Where do people get the audacity?! I am just a child trying to eat some Macaroni. Most of the time it’s the people who speak from experience. Stop projecting your insecurities onto others. This comment is unproductive and unnecessary, 0/10.
After dinner your perfect cousin comes up to you with a smirk on their face, “I talked to your mom at dinner! She told me you failed your English final…I can help you with that!”. Wow, thanks Patricia. This gets a 3/10 because we all know they have bad intentions, and you can actively see their head getting bigger with every sentence. It’s usually the cousin who would start crying because they lost the board game, and go run to their mom and tell her you cheated. Some things never change.
At the end of the night your grandpa hands you a gift. You open it and it’s a brand new baseball bat. How to tell him that you quit little league at the ripe age of 10? “Thanks grandpa..!”. Your mom is over in the corner grinning from ear to ear. “Maybe you can get back into baseball!” she says with excitement. “Sure! Why not…”. Did she forget that baseball was the least favorite of those sports that she put you in?! This one gets a 5/10 – good intentions, poor execution.
At the end of the day, despite their questionable remarks, these are the people who gave us life, so we should still be respectful to them, at least out loud. Happy holidays everyone!