Choosing between skiing and snowboarding can seem like a difficult decision, but in reality, it’s simple. Choose skiing. It’s the right choice because it is easier to learn, is safer, has more options for mountains to visit, is more convenient, and has a greater history.
First off, everyone knows skiing is easier to learn. It takes the average person a day before they can ski down the bunny slope successfully. On the other hand, new snowboarders spend their time on their butt falling again and again. Does that sound like fun? If you really want to have fun on your first day out, make sure you choose the skis.
Among the many ski resorts there are superior ones that are ski exclusive. Resorts such as Deer Valley and Alta in Utah, and Mad River Glen in Vermont are typically visited by higher level skiers because snowboarders can be a nuisance. The fact that every time a snowboarder turns, it throws all the snow to the side making conditions worse for everyone behind them, paired with the fact that they are always sitting down in the middle of the slope, pushes people towards these ski-only resorts. If you want to have exclusive access to these resorts or at least avoid being a nuisance, go with the skis.
Snowboarders love the terrain park, but beyond that they don’t have a lot to do. If we look at the professional categories of each sport, snowboarding’s main events all are in the terrain park. Skiers, however, have all of those plus races like slaloms, moguls, ski cross, and many others, including a competition where skiers jump over 200 meters. Skiing has something for everyone, which makes it a safer bet if you can’t decide.
Every season, thousands of people all over the world are injured on a ski slope. If safety is your primary concern, then choosing to ski will keep you safe. Because of your poles that help you balance and the easiness of pizza stopping, skiing is a safer bet.
Snowboarding cannot match the significance of skiing history. A famous example of this is the 10th mountain division. In WWII soldiers in Scandinavia began to use skis to their advantage, swiftly attacking and retreating against the Nazis. America soon took notice and created the 10th mountain division. These troops were trained for the Italian Alps where they were successful in clearing a Nazi stronghold.
So, if you are still debating between the board and the skis, I hope this helped. Go ski and have a great snowy season. •