Wilson started allowing students to leave campus for lunch during the 2010-2011 building renovation, when Wilson was operating out of University of the District of Columbia. It helped relieve the small building of the overcrowding it was experiencing. When the renovation was completed, the administration made it clear that off-campus lunch would be a privilege, used as an incentive for students to get higher grades.
The current off-campus lunch policy has been in place since the current seniors were freshman. And despite any rumors, they are not currently considering changing the off-campus lunch policy. Upperclassmen mostly oppose any changes to the off-campus lunch policy. They view extending off-campus lunch to underclassmen as unfair. If they had to wait until they were upperclassmen to go off-campus, current underclassmen should, too. And sophomores especially should be happy with the fourth-advisory policy–The original off-campus lunch policy also didn’t include sophomores, but was exclusively for juniors and seniors.
Taking of that into consideration, sophomores should be thankful for the one advisory they get off-campus lunch. Sure, more time off-campus would be nice, but at this point changing the lunch policy seems unrealistic. The general lack of support and resistance from upperclassmen and the administration makes a change unlikely. And even if the policy did change, no matter what the off-campus lunch policy is, students will never be completely happy with it. It may sound cliche, we should learn how to get the off-campus lunch time we get, and not get upset about it