A new report done by the DC Fiscal Policy Institute shows that about 40% of the funding designated for at-risk students in DCPS hasn’t been targeted to help them but has instead been used for other needs...
The Wilson Local School Advisory Team (LSAT) has proposed to switch to a seven period school day, most recently used prior to the 2015-16 school year. The vote, which was held on April 9, overcame the...
El departamento de idiomas canceló el evento anual del Día de Inmersión este año porque no hay suficientes estudiantes de AP que usualmente ayudan a dirigir el evento. La falta de estudiantes es debido...
The PEN/Faulkner Foundation terminated their relationship with Wilson, ending a program that had sent authors to the Wilson library to give presentations regularly for years. The foundation ended the program...
The District of Columbia Board of Education elections took place this year on November 6, as well as a special election on December 4. There are eight members of the board, each representing a ward...
The ninth-grade Honors For All initiative was expanded to 10th grade this school year. All students in their sophomore year take pre-AP English and science, as well as Honors Geometry if necessary, even...
DCPS modified the strict attendance policy enforced halfway through last year, removing all attendance penalties besides the mandated failure for more than 30 unexcused absences. The reform is part of...
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